Sunday, July 15, 2007

No Child Left Behind - Where are We?

There are teachers at risk of losing their jobs and children at risk of losing dedicated teachers.

Test scores alone will not create a learning and teaching environment best suited to most children.

Continue to read the links from around the country - this is one way to learn and respond. Keep your legislators informed of your position on education reform.

Changes needed in No Child Left Behind Act - Des Moines,IA,USA
The US House Education Committee is moving very quickly to write the next version of No Child Left Behind/Elementary and Secondary Education Act before ...
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27 schools face sanctions
OCRegister - Orange County,CA,USA
These are No Child Left Behind scores that determine whether schools have met federal goals for achievement. The Academic Performance Index, STAR results, ...
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'No Child' leaves behind many vulnerable kids
The Free Lance-Star - Fredericksburg,VA,USA
The "Failing grades" editorial [July 6] commented admirably on the deficits of No Child Left Behind. For once, I was glad to see someone take on the "highly ...
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Carole Stein