Tuesday, October 14, 2008


These poll findings are very relevant and critical as we are moving into some unchartered waters for employment and for women raising families. Please read and connect when possible.

What Women Want

Poll Findings: Women Are Worried About the Future and Believe Government Must Act

According to a recent poll by the National Women's Law Center, women feel the impact of economic insecurity and rising food, energy, education, and health care costs more deeply than men – and see government as a key to the solution.

Women want:

For more details on the poll, read NWLC's press release, the fact sheet, or the complete Interested Parties memo on the poll results.

A Platform for Progress

The National Women's Law Center also released A Platform for Progress – an agenda to address the unmet needs of women and their families in the areas of education, employment, economic security, health, and legal rights.

What's Your Take?

What's your take on the issues addressed by this poll? Tell us what you think.

Media Coverage

The polling data has been featured in:

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